5 Healthy Reasons to Celebrate Chocolate Day with Purabi Dairy
5 Healthy Reasons to Celebrate Chocolate Day with Purabi Dairy

More or less we are aware of the benefits of chocolate, which comes from cocoa seeds. But to get the benefits you should rely on good quality dark chocolate, which comprise 70% or more cocoa and less sugar. Dark chocolate is full of organic compounds that are biologically active and function as antioxidants. It also improves several important risk factors for heart disease because of the flavonoids of chocolates.

In fact, some studies advocate that chocolate may also have anti-cancer benefits. Consumption may help prevent the formation of artery plaques and improve blood flow. These beneficial flavonoids are bitter, so they are removed from most commercial chocolate. Darker chocolates tend to have higher levels of flavonoids while milk chocolate has lower levels of flavonoids.

Well, summer is the best time to enjoy chocolates. Want to know how? Just incorporate some good chocolate for your milkshake or smoothie.

Here are some surprising Health Benefits of Chocolate Milk you would love to know:

1. Chocolate milk is better known as nature’s recovery beverage. It provides a natural source of high-quality protein and helps build lean muscles. It is also the perfect combination of carbohydrates and protein, which help tired muscles after a hard workout.

2. Milk, flavoured or plane provides the same 9 essential nutrients required for children’s growth and development. Chocolate milk consumption is not associated with weight gain if you are not adding a lot of sugar!

3. According to a research, chocolate milk may be tolerated by people with lactose intolerance. The reason for this may be that cocoa slows stomach emptying, giving the body longer to break down the lactose.

4. Definitely, a common reason to have chocolate milk as well as it contains antioxidants that are good for your cardiovascular system. It also improves your insulin sensitivity, which has positive flow-on effects for your heart health.

5. It feeds good bacteria in your gut. The good bacteria ferment the chocolate and turn it into anti-inflammatory compounds that have a host of beneficial effects within your body.

So, feel free to have your chocolate milk anytime with just considering sugar a factor.

